Ready to launch your podcast? Let’s get you there

Are you a business owner who’s always wanted to start a podcast but feels overwhelmed by the technical details? Do you have a great idea but don't know the steps to bring it to life? In just 40 minutes, our masterclass will take you from zero to launch with a clear, actionable roadmap.


The "Steps to Launch Your Podcast Masterclass" is a concise, power-packed 40-minute recording by Laura McRae, a seasoned podcast consultant. Laura has successfully launched numerous podcasts for business owners and entrepreneurs, you can read her client stories here. This masterclass refines her expertise into 15 essential steps, covering everything from choosing the right tech to creating binge-worthy episodes.


Tell me if this is you…

You’ve got a brilliant idea for a podcast, but the technical jargon and endless Google searches are holding you back. You need a straightforward, no-nonsense guide to get your podcast off the ground quickly and effectively. You want to save time and skip the overwhelm.

Meet Laura

Hi, I'm Laura, and I’ve dedicated my career to helping entrepreneurs and business owners launch successful podcasts. Over the years, I've seen too many great ideas fizzle out because of the daunting start-up process. That’s why I created this masterclass – to give you a clear, step-by-step guide to launch your podcast with confidence. My journey from a podcast enthusiast to a trusted consultant has taught me the secrets to podcasting success, and I'm excited to share them with you.


Imagine if…

You could launch a high-quality, engaging podcast that attracts your target audience without spending hours figuring out the technical details. Imagine having a step-by-step guide that takes you from planning to publishing, so you can focus on what you love – creating great content.

Masterclass Breakdown

  • Tech recommendations: The essential equipment and software you need.
  • Audience identification: How to choose and understand your target audience.
  • Goal setting: Define your podcast goals with actionable tips.
  • Naming your podcast: Techniques to create a catchy and memorable name.
  • Episode frequency and length: Deciding on the best schedule for your episodes.
  • Show format: Exploring different formats (interviews, co-hosted, solo).
  • Guest interviews: Tips on finding and inviting guests.
  • Music selection: Where to find and choose the right music for your show.
  • Creating trailers: What makes a compelling trailer and intro/outro.
  • Show description: Crafting a description that attracts listeners.
  • First three episodes: Making your initial episodes binge-worthy.
  • Apple podcast charts: Strategies to get featured in the charts.
  • Editing techniques: Ensuring high-quality audio for your podcast.
  • Podcast artwork: Designing eye-catching artwork.

By the end of this masterclass, you’ll have a clear understanding of each step required to launch a successful podcast. Whether you’re a complete beginner or looking to streamline your process, this guide is designed to equip you with the knowledge and confidence to get started immediately.

Ready to launch your podcast? Enrol in the "Steps to Launch Your Podcast Masterclass" today and take the first step towards podcasting success!

$19 for the Steps to Launch a Podcast Masterclass


1. What is included in the Steps to Launch Your Podcast Masterclass?

The masterclass is a 40-minute recording where podcast consultant Laura McRae guides you through the 15 essential steps to launch your podcast. It covers recommended tech and software, audience targeting, goal setting, podcast naming, episode planning, show formatting, interview tips, music sourcing, trailer creation and show descriptions.


2. Who is this masterclass for?

This masterclass is for business owners and individuals who are thinking about starting a podcast but don't know where to start. It's ideal for those who want a concise, actionable guide to launching their podcast without having to research every detail themselves.


3. How long is the masterclass?

The masterclass is a 40-minute recording designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the podcast launching process in a short amount of time.


4. What will I learn from this masterclass?

You will learn the essential steps to launch your podcast, including:

  • The necessary tech and software
  • How to choose and understand your target audience
  • Setting podcast goals
  • Naming your podcast
  • Planning episode frequency and length
  • Formatting your show (interview, co-hosted, or solo)
  • Finding interview guests
  • Sourcing music for your podcast
  • Creating an engaging trailer, intro, and outro
  • Writing effective show descriptions
  • Promoting your first three episodes to gain traction


5. Is there any ongoing support after the masterclass?

The masterclass itself is a standalone resource, but additional support can be sought through our other services, such as 1:1 consulting or podcast management packages.


6. How is this masterclass different from other podcasting resources?

This masterclass is a concise, step-by-step guide delivered by an experienced podcast consultant. Unlike other resources that might be lengthy or fragmented, this masterclass provides a clear and direct path to launching your podcast in just 40 minutes.


7. Do I need any prior knowledge or experience in podcasting to benefit from this masterclass?

No prior knowledge or experience is required. The masterclass is designed to be accessible to beginners, providing all the basic information you need to start your podcast.


8. How can I access the masterclass?

The masterclass can be accessed by signing up here. Once you register, you will receive a link to the recording that you can watch at your convenience.


9. Can I watch the masterclass more than once?

Yes, once you have access to the masterclass, you can watch it as many times as you need to fully absorb the information and refer back to specific sections.


10. Will the masterclass help me with podcast promotion and growth?

While the primary focus of the masterclass is on launching your podcast, it does include tips on promoting your first episodes and making them binge-worthy to help you gain initial traction.


11. What if I have questions after watching the masterclass?

If you have questions after watching the masterclass, you can contact us for further assistance. We offer additional consulting services to provide more personalised support.


12. How do I get started with the masterclass?

To get started, simply sign up for the masterclass, and you'll receive immediate access to the 40-minute recording. Follow along with the steps outlined, and you'll be well on your way to launching your podcast.